Digitally Marketing Crocs to University Students in the Netherlands

Project Overview
Crocs has been rising in popularity. However, this has been less so in the Netherlands, specifically with the Generation Z age group. The goal of this project is to market Crocs to university students in the Netherlands and encourage them to buy a pair of Crocs through a digital marketing campaign. The full report of this project can be read here.
My Contributions
Roles: UX Researcher, UX Designer
Date: Feb. 2023 - June 2023
Programs Used
Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD, Miro
Step One:
Orientation Research 🧐
To start, I performed Desk Research to find out what a digital marketing campaign is, and how to execute one successfully.

I also researched the cultural significance of Crocs, Generation Z's relationship with Crocs, and current fashion trends to help find promising directions that would require further research.
Research Questions
The orientation phase resulted in the following Research Questions:
• How do university students in the Netherlands currently feel about Crocs?        
• What factors are important to university students in the Netherlands when buying anew pair of shoes?
• What encourages a university student in the Netherlands to engage with a digital advertisement?
• How do university students experience digital advertisements?
• Why do people wear Crocs?
• Why did the rise in popularity of Crocs for Generation Z not occur in the Netherlands?
Step Two: Research 🧐
To answer these questions, I performed multiple research methods. This included desk research, user interviews, surveys, and observations. I also asked a question to users on the Crocs subreddit to help figure out why people like and wear Crocs.
Step Three: Analyze 🔍
After completing my research phase, it was time to analyze this research. To do this, I created data cards with important findings from every method. These data cards were then clustered together based on my research questions. The end product is an Affinity Diagram, and the clusters resulted in valuable research insights. This diagram can be viewed in full on a Miro board here.
Personas 🧍
I created personas based off of my research to give further insight into my target group. This would also give me something to look back on to make sure my designs were user-centered.
Step 4: Prototype & Test 🎨💻
With my research insights in mind, I then started creating prototypes and testing them with my target group. I made sure to take note of what users did and did not like to improve it in the next iteration. I executed A/B tests, think-aloud tests, and surveys to test these designs with my target group and improve it based on their feedback.
Step 4: Final Design
The final concept that I created is called Your Crocs, Your Way. The aim of this campaign is to display how Crocs encourages people's individual style through showing a variety of Crocs and ways to style them. Further detail into design decisions can be read in my design report, which can be found here.

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